The Godswood Chronicle
A Table of Contents and Timeline post, tracking the story arcs and their relative timelines. Will update regularly. Start here if you've never read any of my stories before.
Last Update; Oct 23th, 2024
This post exists to tie together the many loose threads of stories that populate this newsletter and help you make sense of them. If you care to make sense of them. I do - that’s why I’m writing this. So you’re welcome! Me.
And you. I hope.
Here are the stories; Read from top to bottom in each series.
They are each written in a slightly different style, and no series is more important than the others to read first. Follow your whimsy.
“Rundell-fall; Of Fey, Fraud and Felonies”
Rundell City, AOW - 999
“A Miraanian Affair; The Hunt for the Hels Grima”
Miraan, AOW - 990-991
“The War Diary of a Celestial Wizard”
Rundell - Tir Ardùan Pinéthra border - AOW - 992-993
“Do all gods work in mysterious ways?”
Olympus and the Outside Realm, What is time to the gods
“Hunting the Crimson Fox”
Godswood to Earth, Detroit, 2020
“The Sidhean War”
Tir Ardùan Pinéthra border, Rundell, Palinterra, AOW 974 to 990
Solo Stories (may become series at a later date);
Giran, AOW ??
Rural Rundell, AOW 985
Tir Dunaèstrìkn Mines, AOW 980
Vauderhelm, AOW 980
Giran, AOW 970
Giran, AOW 779
Author’s Note;
Most of the stories take place on a world called “Armaviri” - which is the home of Rundell, Miraan, Giran, Vauderhelm and the Aes Sidhe nation of Tir Ardúan Pinéthra. One day I’ll have a map that doesn’t look like it was drawn in paint, but until then, you’ll have to take my word for it that these places all exist on a very large super continent,that Vauderhelm is in the middle of a massive magical jungle wasteland, and Rundell and Tir Ardùan Pinéthra are neighbours in a temperate region of the continent and have a very long and bloody feud that is the centrepiece of these stories (for now).
Roughly 1000 years ago, Odin sent a shower of meteors from the heavens to destroy the nation of Vauderhelm, and did a sufficiently catastrophic amount of damage to the continent that everyone collectively agreed to flip the “X” days since a divine catastrophic event counter back to 0. The years have crept up to around 999 years “After Odin’s Wrath” or AOW. Since gods like big round numbers, it is curious that Odin hasn’t smited anyone lately.
Everyone is too busy smiting each other to notice that, however.
The “Godswood” is another setting that will come up periodically in these tales. It might be best to think of it as the mythological Garden of Eden, the home of Yggdrasil, or the primordial place from which all living things and the gods themselves were born. If the multiverse can be said to have a “center” - this would be that place.
And “Earth” is somewhere that I *hope* you’re familiar with. If not, it’s a rather silly place where we tell ourselves and each other stories of how we think things actually are, while very consistently getting those stories wrong. It’s a place where we think that 99.9% of what humans have believed over our existence was wrong, and *now* we’ve got things figured out. Future generations of us will be so happy that we know exactly how the universe works and which gods are real or not. We may or may not be in for a surprise.
Robin George